join us
Our main method of contact and growth are the prayer lines by phone, zoom, where every week we establish prayer requests. We also have a chat through WhatsApp totally dedicated to speaking and making prayer requests 24 hours a day. We as the family of Christ have the privilege of having women and men as the same Pastors from different parts of the world
united to the vision of Eagle's Nest Ministries and even of different denominations that have come together according to God's divine plan for these times and in the same way participation when they invite us to give conferences. If we could draw what the bride of Christ would be like, this is for us what it means, to unite the body of Christ and if you want to join this great family and have more information contact us.

About us
Between 2005 to 2008, I spent five years preaching in different countries, such as El Salvador, the United States, the Dominican Republic, Mexico and Spain. At the same time, a prayer group was formed that began by phone with four women, with hearts ready to do God's will and develop a platform for prayer given by the Holy Spirit, where we interceded every day at 5:00 a.m. the morning. The Ministry currently has men, women and young people all connected in the same vision in different parts of the world, united in prayer through various means. Taking to each place revival meetings in different countries and places, in the nation AND OUTSIDE the United States where we are awakening the call to the souls to salvation.
Sandra Carcamo, Founder

Our mission and our objective is to carry out the work of the Spirit through prayer groups, conferences, marriage counseling, husbands, women, families and young people, making known the plan of salvation and prayer, through His Word; Leading people to believe that there is a great God who can perform miracles.
It is to carry out the work of the Spirit through prayer groups, conferences, marriage counseling, husbands, women, families and young people, making known the plan of salvation and prayer, through His Word; Leading people to believe that there is a great God who can perform miracles.